Phytotoxicity symptoms of quinclorac

- Apr 21, 2018-

Rice disease symptoms

The typical symptoms of quinclorac on phytotoxicity in rice are the emergence of onion seedlings in the seedlings (horizontal leaf volume healed and healed into onion tube, the tip of the leaf can be expanded in many ways), and the leaf color is more normal; the new leaf cannot be healed because of the upper tissue. Pull out, peel off the stem, visible inside the new leaf volume. The severely damaged seedlings are curled up into onions in a tubular shape and generally die when they are transplanted into the field. If they survive, the resulting seedlings are also deformed, and some of them even die. In the case of light seedlings, the base of the stem enlarges, becomes hard, becomes brittle, and the heart is narrowed and twisted into a deformed shape, but the tilled seedlings grown after transplanting into the field still grow normally. The symptoms of phytotoxicity generally appear 10~15 days after application.

Tobacco poisoning

According to statistics, quinclorac has an accumulating effect in the soil and produces significant phytotoxicity to tobacco production. There was a large area of tobacco malformation growth in the tobacco fields of Wuhua County, Guangdong Province. Symptoms were abnormal growth of new leaves, falling leaf margins, and shriveling of leaves, resulting in narrow and long leaves, severe linear lines, seriously affecting tobacco Yield and quality. In order to ascertain the causes of malformation growth, the county carried out research on the teratogenicity of pesticide residues in soil based on the diagnosis of plant pathology and soil nutrition. The results showed that residual chloroquine in the soil was the direct cause of abnormal growth of tobacco in the area.