The role of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate

- Mar 27, 2018-

To improve crop resistance and resistance to low temperature and lodging, experiments were conducted on Brazilian banana seedlings to prove that appropriate concentrations of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can increase the resistance of banana seedlings to low temperatures.


Strengthen the ability of crops to resist bruising and natural rot, extend storage and transportation deadlines.


Because potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a phosphorus and potassium binary compound fertilizer, spraying at the fruit's fruit enlargement period can protect fruits and promote fruit enlargement, improve fruit quality, increase coloring, and improve taste.


Spraying before and after flowering: promote flower bud differentiation, increase the number of flowering, strong flower buds, strong flowers and fruits, improve fruit setting, but also can effectively promote the growth of roots and promote the early maturation of crops.


At the same time, high-purity potassium dihydrogen phosphate is insoluble in water due to its relatively small amount of insoluble matter. Therefore, it is used in a variety of ways, including spraying, irrigating roots, transplanting roots, soaking, seed dressing, and basic application.


Finally, whether or not potassium dihydrogen phosphate contains chlorine depends on the source of potassium in potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which is determined by potassium chloride or potassium hydroxide or other sources of potassium. In general, industrial first-class products have restrictions on chloride ion content, but agricultural standards do not provide.